Lithochimea Presents Case Studies at 2010 International Petroleum & Biofuels Environmental Conference in San Antonio, TX.
Bert Fisher and Kerry Sublette presented a series of case studies illustrating the use of various techniques to characterize the vadose zone migration of oilfield brine contamination at the 17th Annual International Petroleum & Biofuels Environmental Conference. The paper demonstrated the use of visual observations, geophysical measurements and the chemistry of soil samples in determining the source and extent of oilfield brine contamination at real-world sites in Oklahoma and Kansas.
Fisher, J. B. and K. L. Sublette. 2010. Case Studies of Surface and Vadose Zone Migration of Oilfield Brine Contamination. 2010 17th Annual International Petroleum & Biofuels Environmental Conference San Antonio, TX – August 30 – September 2, 2010
(Full Agenda: for the 17th Annual International Petroleum & Biofuels Environmental Conference see